Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Stages Of Pregnancy - An Amazing Journey

Good information on pregnancy.

The nine months of pregnancy are a miraculous event. During this relatively short time, your baby goes from a fertilized egg to a fully formed newborn. The changes that take place over these nine months are astounding. By the end of the first month, the tiny heart has formed and is beating. The major organs and systems of the body have developed by the end of the first trimester.

This is a critical time in your baby’s development. It’s important that you take good care of yourself during this time. Eat nutritious foods and drink plenty of fluids. Take any vitamins or extra iron recommended by your health care provider. Avoid any substances which can harm the baby. These include smoke, alcohol and drugs. Don’t take any medication without your doctor’s approval.

The baby continues to change rapidly during the second trimester. You will get to hear his heartbeat and see him on the ultrasound. By this time, the gender can be seen clearly in many cases. Your baby is a fully formed little one at the end of this trimester. The lungs are the last organ to develop enough to sustain life outside the womb. During the third trimester, the lungs finish developing. Your baby puts on weight and body fat steadily through this trimester.

Your body will go through many changes over the course of your pregnancy as well. In the early months, you may experience discomfort from morning sickness. This is a common symptom and is usually not serious. Learn some methods of dealing with this, such as getting up slowly in the morning, eating crackers before you get up or wearing wrist bands made for sea sickness. Preggie pops are lollipops that are sold to ease the symptoms of morning sickness.

The first trimester is a time of rapidly changing hormones in your body. This change causes fatigue in most women. Be sure to get enough rest. You will find you need more sleep than before you got pregnant. The best way to deal with fatigue is to get more sleep. Go to bed earlier at night. If possible, take a nap during the day.

Most women feel their best during the second trimester. Morning sickness has gotten better for the majority of pregnant mothers. The fatigue you felt in the first trimester has improved as well. Pregnant women report feeling more energy and you will begin to feel pregnant. Some couples take a final vacation as a couple during this trimester. By the third trimester, you will be uncomfortable and won’t want to travel. As you get farther into the third trimester, travel will be restricted.

The third trimester brings more discomfort. The baby is putting on weight at a rapid rate. Toward the end of this trimester, the baby is gaining a half a pound in body weight every week. This increased weight leads to several discomforts. The baby is pushing up on your stomach and lungs. This makes breathing difficult and you may be short of breath. The pressure of the baby on the stomach causes heartburn and indigestion.

The uterus is getting very crowded now and your baby is also pushing down. This can cause a variety of problems such as hemorrhoids, constipation and the need to urinate frequently. You may feel pressure low in the abdomen as the baby moves down into position for birth. When this happens, you will find that the shortness of breath improves. This is called lightening, but don’t count on going into labor right away. This can happen weeks before the baby arrives.

At the end of the third trimester, it’s time for the big day. You will finally get to meet your new baby. As the day approaches, you will feel excited. It’s normal to feel anxious and nervous as well. Continue to read, practice breathing exercises and prepare for the delivery. Soon you will be holding your precious bundle and the discomforts of the past nine months will be a memory.

Copyright 2007 More4kids Inc.

About the Author: Patricia Hughes is a freelance writer and mother of four. She has written extensively on pregnancy, childbirth, parenting and breastfeeding. In addition, she has written about home décor and travel. You can view more of her many articles in the
Pregnancy Resource area of More4kids. Copyright 2007 More4kids Parenting and Family Portal.

Learn about
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Birth of the Chocolate Chip Cookie

Adrift in our memory banks are the smells and tastes of the food of our childhoods. One whiff of something familiar coming from the kitchen and we are instantly kids again. And no food is more closely aligned with that of childhood than the chocolate chip cookie. Warm and gooey, hard and crunchy, filled with nuts or deliciously plain, the chocolate chip cookie embodies all that is sweet and wonderful about childhood.

As owners and operators of the Toll House Inn in 1930’s Massachusetts, Ruth Wakefield and her husband tended to all of their guests’ needs in an effort to give them a unique experience. Ruth herself worked in the kitchen, quickly gaining popularity with her scrumptious desserts. One favorite, the Butter Drop Do cookie called for baker’s chocolate. Having run out of baker’s chocolate during one of her weekly cookie bakes, Ruth instead substituted semi-sweet chocolate from a bar given to her by one of her guests – Andrew Nestle of Nestle Chocolate Company. Needless to say, the new chocolate chip cookie became quite a hit, as tasters enjoyed the softened chocolate nestled inside the cookie – a far cry from the baker’s chocolate, which melted entirely.

The chocolate chip cookie rocketed to stardom taking Nestle’s semi-sweet chocolate along with it. Eager to align his company further with this popular treat, Andrew Nestle traded Ruth Wakefield a lifetime supply of chocolate for the rights to print her chocolate chip cookie recipe on all of his chocolate packaging.

That famous recipe stands today delighting generation after generation with its simple goodness. Of course, as the years have gone by, those trying to elevate the chocolate chip cookie to the next level have added all manner of different ingredients. Contests are held all over the world in search of the best chocolate chip cookie. But most cookie enthusiasts will tell you that the very best chocolate chip cookie is the one that is simple in its creation. As the saying goes, sometimes less is more.

For the baking challenged among us, the chance to make the chocolate chip cookie is still within our grasp. Advancements in packaging have given way to pre-made chocolate chip cookie dough – ready to slice and bake; no mixing of ingredients, no mess of any kind – and in 10 minutes you have fresh baked cookies right out of the oven.

But if you want to give chocolate chip cookie making from scratch a try, you can always find the sweetest recipe of all – right on the back of Nestle’s Chocolate Chips!

About the Author: Michelle Bery, for easy to understand, in depth information about chocolate visit our ezGuide 2

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Body And Water

If the last time you entered your house feeling tired and stressed you immediately decided to take a shower or enjoy a long relaxing bath, you are familiar with the positive outcomes of using water in order to increase the well-being of your body and mind. Indulging yourself in simple pleasures associated with the use of water is known as hydrotherapy. Health resorts, like medical and sports centers or hotel and city spas, offer to today's stressed working individuals the opportunity to get rid of fatigue and anxiety by performing a variety of treatments based on water.

Whether or not you are able to afford such specialized services, you should know that water is the cheapest and probably the safest way, apart from sleeping, to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind. Known from the ancient years for its amazing results, water use has progressed tremendously and its various applications are considered today the focal points of experiencing a healthy lifestyle.

But apart from it being an extremely effective refreshing mechanism, water is used to alleviate or reduce medical problems that need special care. Problems like dry skin, constipation, urinary tract infections, headaches, fever, bad blood circulation, sprained ankles, foot infections, body swelling, hemorrhoids, and muscle strains, can be treated with the appropriate use of water.

The water's temperature and its different application methods can produce the desired results and reduce the severity and the duration of negative symptoms one might suffer because of exhaustion, accidents or chronic health problems. Specifically, hot water can arouse the human immune system and increase circulation levels. From athletes to working individuals, using hot water is considered essential to get rid of body malfunctions and increase energy. On the other hand, instances of swelled feet or constipation problems can be dealt with the right use of cold water, which acts as a natural treatment for a variety of body irritations.

Because human cells are made in average by 80% of water, the human organism needs hydration to survive and function normally. Thus, apart from taking care of your body externally by applying different water-based treatments, it is of vital importance to consume water frequently and help your body rejuvenate from the inside out. As part of our healthy living standards, we should always remember to provide the necessary water quantities to our bodies by drinking six to eight glasses of water per day. Water, whether used as an internal or external hydration, is the best thing one can enjoy everyday.

About the Author: Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including
Health, Women's Health, and Relationships

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hair Removal: Know All The Methods

Most of us are concerned about the amount of hair on our bodies, and there are many options for those who desire to rid themselves of unsightly hair. Shaving and plucking are the most popular methods of hair removal, but there are also methods known as waxing, sugaring and threading.

Shaving is the most popular method of hair removal. It's simple and can be accomplished with a straight razor or an electric razor. Some electric shavers provide best results after use of pre-shaving gels, creams or lotions, as can shaving with a straight razor.

Plucking is used as a method of hair removal for unsightly or unwanted facial hair. Using tweezers, hair removal from eyebrows is generally accomplished by hand held or electric tweezers. Tweezing pulls the hair out by its roots but it can be time consuming, depending on the results you're looking for, as each hair must be pulled out individually. Until the skin around the area becomes desensitized, this process can be on the painful side, and redness, inflammation can occur. For most, the effects of tweezing can last anywhere from three to eight weeks.

Threading is becoming a more popular trend in hair removal methods. This ancient hair removal process continues to be used in various parts of the world today, including parts of southwest Asia and the Middle East. To facilitate hair removal with this method, a long loop of thread, mostly cotton, is twisted into a figure-8 type shape and rolled along the surface of the skin. Hairs caught between the coiled pieces of string are pulled out by their roots, resulting in near perfect smoothness. This method suits hair removal from eyebrows and other facial areas, and is considered by many to be less painful than the plucking hair removal method.

Waxing is a hair removal method that is a little more time intensive and messy, though such inconveniences are more than outweighed by the fact that this method is extremely effective in hair removal of just about any type of body hair. Waxing facilitates the removal of entire shafts of hair, from below the surface of the skin. This method can be accomplished using either cool or hot wax. Be advised that waxing for hair removal, however effective, can cause skin irritations that may last several hours, and if not done carefully, can produce burns and other unpleasant results.

A hair removal method similar to waxing is one called sugaring. In this method, a sugar mixture is used instead of wax. Blending and heating sugar, water and lemon juice until it develops into a pasty mixture creates this concoction. This mixture is then applied to the surface of the skin, like a wax treatment, followed by a strip of cotton, which is then rapidly pulled off the skin in the opposite direction of the hair growth. This method of hair removal is popular among those who are sensitive to the ingredients in wax.

So take your pick, try them out and decide which method of hair removal best suits your time and your preferences.

About the Author: Chonticha Marijne, is hair removal an ongoing struggle for you? Find out more about hair removal and the right method for you at

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Man Fitness

Man fitness is something they all want, but few actually achieve. That is because men generally don’t make fitness a priority. It can be the result of getting lazy, working too many hours, and having a family. Regardless of the reason behind it, man fitness is very important. Besides making you look good, you will feel better. Too many men claim they don’t workout because they are too tired. Ironically, the more you exercise the more energy you will have. It will help you sleep much better as well. 50% of men die due to heart disease related issues, so man fitness is something that needs to be implemented into your lifestyle to help you life a long and healthy life.

It isn’t easy making lifestyle changes. Man fitness isn’t just about exercising more; it is about cutting down on may other things. If you eat a lot of junk food or fat food then you need to work harder at eating a balanced diet. Make a weekly menu and stick to it. Switch to fresh fruits and vegetables instead of sugary snacks. Reduce the amount of alcohol and tobacco you consume.

Man fitness has many possibilities. You can participate in exercises and activities to get into shape, to lose your spare tire, or to eliminate your love handles. While cardio exercises are important, most men feel silly doing aerobics. Man fitness for great cardio workouts include running, hiking, and boxing. Most men enjoy lifting weights. While this is a great way to your goal of man fitness, it isn’t enough.

Weight lifting allows you to tone up and strengthen your body. Your bigger muscles will make you look good physically as well. It is a good idea to combine a weight lifting routine with a cardio routine. You should only lift weights every other day to give your muscles time to heal. Man fitness magazines often show the guy with rippling muscles and the six pack abs. This won’t be the reality for most men, but you can get a quality workout routine going that will help you look and feel your best.

Man fitness is very important to help you look and feel your best. The sooner you start, the better chances you will have of living a fun and healthy life in the future. Reducing your chances of heart disease is very important because statistically you have a 1 in 2 chance of being affected. Man fitness is the key to not letting it happen to you.

If you aren’t sure where to get started, go online for some information or go to the gym and work with a personal trainer. The types of exercises and activities you participate in will depend on your fitness level and your fitness goals. Make sure you choose exercises and activities you enjoy. Nothing gets a plan sabotaged faster than feeling like man fitness is a chore rather than something you look forward to. It takes time, effort, and dedication for man fitness to really happen and not just be something you read about in fitness magazines.

About the Author: Ramone Stevenson, get all the latest information about Fitness from the only true source at Be sure to check out our man fitness pages.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sudoku Puzzle Games Solver Software

Interesting article that do a review of the different Sodoku Puzzle game solver software. Has anyone been using any of them?

Do you like play Sudoku Puzzle Games? Or maybe you are new to solving Sudoku puzzles and would like some tips on how to to solve them. The goal of a SuDoku problem is to complete the published grid so that no number appears more than once in any row, column or 3x3 subgrid. Sudoku Puzzle Games Solver Software is a program that helps you solve Sudoku puzzles! It gives you full, interactive control over the solving process, and explains everything it's doing every step of the way.

Sudoku Assistenten was created by sudoku enthusiasts, for sudoku enthusiasts, and its sole aim is to offer anything and everything a sudoku crazy person would want in a sudoku program, for free! It will both let you copy/paste any sudoku you can find into the software as well as typing it in manually, or you could even create your very own sudokus from scratch without any pre knowledge. This is both fun and highly addictive! Once in the software you can choose from many different approaches to solving the sudoku, both with and without pencilmarks/candidates. If you get stuck, Sudoku Assistenten can provide you with a lot of different hints and tips, from a simple nudge in the right direction to complete graphical explanations that are both easy to understand and educational.

SuDoku Solver is a product from gwerdy, Solve SuDoku puzzles with SuDoku Solver. The software can solve the puzzles totally or just act as a helper, suggesting a single value if you do not want the full solution but just a little help. The solver will also list how it went about solving the puzzle to help you learn to improve your own skills. It uses only logic-based algorithms for solving the puzzles and does not employ trial and error methods. If the solver does fail to complete your puzzle then clicking in the unknown boxes will reveal the possible values for this square allowing you to either use other logical reasoning or guessing techniques.

Sudoku Susser is from madoverlord, get 5 Stars SoftSea Rating, This Sudoku assistant and master-level solver features a hints mode to show you what numbers are legal for the remaining squares. The deducer uses human-style reasoning to solve the puzzles and can take you step-by-step through their solution with detailed explanations of each step. The brute force recurse option solves all puzzles. Highlighting modes help you see the patterns in the puzzles. You can even drag puzzles right from Web pages of major UK newspapers into the application, then edit, save and print them offline.

SudokuDragon can fenerate and solve Sudoku puzzles. Download new daily puzzles from our Web site. Type in and solve puzzles printed in newspapers. Download new puzzles from the developer's Web site. Generate a brand new puzzle to solve at a range of difficulty levels. Each puzzle can contain a hidden Sudoku stripe. The program gives tutorials, hints and suggestions on how to solve a puzzle. Web site has full range of information about Sudoku, including message boards. Unlimited undo and redo of square allocations for when you need to backtrack. Print out a Sudoku puzzle for manual solving.

These Sudoku Puzzle Games Solver Software helps you play Sudoku. In any event these Sudoku Solver Software can help you. It can show you how to solve even the most tricky puzzles. with these Sudoku Solver you will be able to solve any puzzles.

About the Author: Robert Snoog,, Sudoku Games, SuDoku Solver, Sudoku Susser

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Online Shopping

Online shopping is a term which was not very popular about a decade ago. However, in the last few years, with increase in usage of internet, the growth achieved in online shopping is tremendous.

There have been a number of reasons for rapid growth in number of people making their purchases online. A few years ago, people had to step out of their homes, in the busy traffic and go to a nearby sales store or mall to buy their accessories and other stuff. But now, they can just sit before their computer, visit an online shopping site and order the items that they require. These items will be delivered at their doorstep within a few hours.

The main reason why online marketing has gained popularity is that all products can be obtained at a lower price by shopping online rather than by shopping at your local stores. This is due to the fact that online sellers do not have to pay for maintenance of office space and salaries of employees every month. Due to this reason, they are in a position to offer more discounts to their customers on the goods purchased from them.

These are also a wide range of choices available to the customer on the internet. The local stores may or may not contain the specific item that he is looking for. But an online store can be easily taken to contain that item. The details about each type of product are also mentioned clearly, which helps the customer in selecting the right product. A salesperson at the local mall may or may not devote sufficient time for you, but there is no such problem with an online store, where all relevant details are mentioned on the website itself.

People are leading a very hectic life today. Most of them are so busy with their jobs that they do not have the time to go to a nearby store or mall to purchase the commodities that they require. But now, by going through the list of items available on an online store site, he can easily select what items he requires and order then. This will save him a lot of time which he can devote to other useful activities.

Apart from this, online stores offer you a number of bargains and free gifts along with purchases made from them. This will ensure that you obtain even greater benefit by shopping online.

About the Author: Dana Bradley writes about
Brgain Crazy Coupons, Misco Coupon, Fleurop coupons

Friday, February 02, 2007

Choosing A Fitness Program

A fitness program is something everyone should have regardless of their age. While everyone has a different fitness level, for the most part everyone should be able to do some type of fitness program. It is always a good idea to check with your doctor before embarking on a new fitness program. There are many great fitness programs out there to choose from. You can also design your own or have a personal trainer help you design one.

The fitness program that is right for depends on many factors. You will need to take your current fitness level into consideration. The goal needs to be to implement a fitness program that is going to challenge you but that would not lead to any health issues. It is important to evaluate any current health issues you have before developing a fitness program. For example someone with a bad back shouldn’t lift weights but would be fine to jog or walk. A person with bad knees may not be able to run but they may be able to walk on flat terrain.

No matter what fitness program you decide to use, it is going to fail if you aren’t prepared to work hard and dedicate your time to it. This means putting your heart into following through. Yes, we are all busy, but your health is vital to allowing you the ability to do any thing right? Schedule time for your fitness program and then refuse to give up that time. If it means you have to get up earlier or skip some TV time then do it. It may mean your email doesn’t get checked every day or your dishes aren’t put away but those things can accumulate without too much problem. Your health is not something you want to push aside.

You are going to have to decide on a fitness program that will help you achieve the fitness goals you have set, but also involves exercises and activities that you enjoy doing. Would you rather have a fitness program you have to force yourself to do or one that you look forward to doing? Don’t have unrealistic goals for your fitness program or you will be disappointed and frustrated with yourself. Focus on what you are able to achieve rather than what you didn’t.

For the best results design a fitness program with the help of a personal trainer or a doctor. Make sure it focuses on your goals and your abilities. Don’t compare your fitness program with that of anyone else. You are not in a competition, but on a quest to succeed at implementing a fitness program that will make you feel and look your best. If you do that, then give yourself some credit as you are doing much better than the majority of the population. If you want to reduce your chances of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, have more energy, and boost your metabolism then you need to work on implementing a quality fitness program.

About the Author: Steve Johnson, get all the latest information about Fitness from the only true source at Be sure to check out our fitness program pages.